Introduction to Data Science with R

Do you want to get into the state-of-the-art way of doing data science in academia? Register for this workshop where you will learn the first steps of importing, manipulating and cleaning data sets in R using the tidyverse package. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to import data sets of different […]


Advanced Data Science with R

If you want to up your game in data science with R, this is the workshop for you. We will build on your knowledge of the "Introduction to Data Science with R" or the "R summer camp" workshop to cover more functions of the tidyverse package, go into how to join different data sets, hwo […]


Retrieving Data from the Internet with R

The internet is full of data that you can use for your analysis. If you want to learn how to efficiently retrieve data, this is your workshop. We will discuss downloading files, using APIs, webscraping, downloading feeds and census data from Canada, the US and Europe. At the end of this workshop, you will be […]


Working with geospatial vector data in R

Using geospatial vector data in R used to be quite challenging. Not anymore. Join our workshop to see how to import, process and display geospatial data. You might not even need a conventional GIS software any more... At the end of this workshop you will be able to import geospatial vector data from different sources […]


Python for Data Analysis

This workshop will introduce you to some useful data analysis libraries in Python. Prior Python experience would be beneficial, but it is not mandatory. At the end of the workshop, you will be able to understand why Python is beneficial in data analysis how to use modules numpy, pandas, matplotlib understand how to debug your […]
