Data Visualization in Python

Building on what we've learned from the Python for Data Analysis workshop, this workshop will introduce you to some useful data visualization libraries in Python. At the end of the workshop, you will be able to understand the general idea of plotting in Python produce static images as well as interactive plots visualize univariate and […]


Introduction to Data Visualization with R

You always wanted to create nice looking graphs from you tables and statistical analyses? This is your workshop. You will learn how the grammar of graphics (Leland Wilkinson 1999) is implemented into the ggplot2 package in R and how to use it to flexibly create amazing looking graphs. At the end of this workshop, you […]


Advanced Data Visualization with R

Do you already have experience with the ggplot2 package in R, but still cannot get the plot you would like to create? Come and join this workshop to hone your data visualization skills. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to reorder data in your graph, tweak labels and work with colours […]


Introduction to Git

If you ever wanted to keep track of your changes in your coding of R and Python, a csv table or any other plain text documents, Git and GitHub are your friends. Join in on this version control workshop that allows you to get more control over your reproduciblity of your work. At the end […]


Introduction to Geospatial Analysis in R

This workshop will introduce you to functions and methods of geospatial analysis. In this two session workshop you will first learn about descriptive statistics on geospatial data sets. We will then continue exploring point pattern analysis, cluster analysis and some interpolation methods (Thiessen polygons, inverse distance weighting and kriging) as well as looking into geographically […]
